Below are the YG’s Club Rules and our Inclusion and Diversity Policy.

You can read them below or download them as a pdf


(FOUNDED 1863)


1.   The Club shall be called “The Yorkshire Gentlemen’s Cricket Club”, informally abbreviated to YGCC.

2.   The Objects of the Club shall be:

·       to promote and provide facilities for the game of cricket, which shall be played according not only to the Laws of Cricket as established by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) but also within the Spirit of Cricket.

·       to encourage social interaction among Members of the Club.

·       to develop a spirit of friendship with opposition clubs and their supporters.

3.   There are no constraints on the Club’s ability to own and control all aspects of governance.  The Club shall strive continually to improve the culture and the lived experience around Diversity & Inclusion. YGCC is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity in cricket, and to ensuring that its employees, members and all other individuals working or volunteering for YGCC and participating in or watching YGCC’s activities are treated fairly and are able to conduct their activities free from discrimination, harassment or intimidation. YGCC has a specific policy which covers off Inclusion and Diversity – a copy is available via the YGCC website.

4.   The Officers of the Club, all of whom shall be ex-officio members of the Committee, shall be:

·       The President

·       Vice Presidents

·       The Hon Secretary or Joint Secretaries

·       The Hon. Fixture Secretary

·       The Hon. Treasurer

·       The Chairman 

5.   The Committee shall comprise not more than fifteen Members, and the Officers of the Club.

6.   The Officers and the Committee shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting (AGM) and shall hold office until the next succeeding AGM, when they shall retire, but shall be eligible for re-election.

7.   The number of Vice Presidents shall be at the discretion of the Committee, but shall not exceed twelve in number.

8.   The business and conduct of the Club shall be administered and controlled by the Committee who shall have the following powers:

a.   to fix the hours during which the bar in the Pavilion at Escrick Park shall be open.

b.   to make bye-laws and regulations for the conduct of the Club’s activities, of whatever nature, from time to time.

c.   to hear and determine conclusively all complaints and all questions arising in the affairs of the Club.

d.   to expel any Member for any beach of the Rules, bye-laws or regulations or for any conduct which in the opinion of the Committee may be considered prejudicial to the interests of the Club, after giving such Member an opportunity of being heard.

e.   to appoint Sub-Committees from any Members of the Club from time to time and to delegate to them such powers and duties as the Committee thinks fit.

f.   to fill any vacancies in the Officers of the Club or in the Committee which may arise between AGMs.

g.   to alter the Rules, but no such alterations shall take effect until the same have been confirmed by the vote of two-thirds of Members present at the AGM, or a Special General Meting (SGM) convened for this purpose.

9.    Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

10.   The Committee shall appoint a Chairman for the year at its first meeting after the AGM.

11.   Membership and Subscriptions:

a.   There will be three categories of membership:

(1) Playing Membership - any cricketer applicant over the age of 24 at the date of his/her application. Once joined, the applicant shall pay the designated annual subscription and shall be eligible to take part in all formats of YG cricket.

(2) Junior Playing Membership - any cricketer applicant under the age of 24 at the date of his/her application. Once joined, the applicant shall pay the designated annual subscription and shall be eligible to take part in all formats of YG cricket.

(3) Social Membership - any applicant who does not play cricket but wishes to support the Club off the field. He/she will be required to pay the designated annual subscription to the Club.

b.   The annual subscription for each of the categories shall be set by the Committee and shall become due and payable by Standing Order on the First day of January in each year, the age of any member on that date determining the category of Member.

c.   Any Member whose subscription is unpaid by the First day of May in that same year shall be notified by the Committee, which shall take such action as thought fit. 

13.   Candidates for election shall be required to complete the appropriate Application Form.  Candidates must be proposed and seconded by Members of the Club to whom they are personally known, and the election of such candidates shall be at the discretion of the Committee.  

14.   Every candidate for election as a playing member shall be required to play a minimum of two qualifying matches.

15.   A membership application shall be deemed to be accepted and confirmed once the initial payment has been received into the Club accounts. 

16.   Membership is subject to the Rules as amended from time to time and every member in accepting membership agrees to comply with and be governed by these Rules and by any Regulations made under these Rules. 

17. In addition to the eligibility to take part in or officiate at Club cricket events, the rights and benefits of these classes of membership are as follows:

a. To nominate a candidate for membership. 

b. To receive notification of and attend General Meetings. 

c. To vote at a General Meeting. 

d. To vote on any Resolution proposed at a General Meeting. 

e. To be eligible for election or appointment to the Executive Committee or any other Club committee. 

f. To nominate a member for election to the Executive Committee. 

g. To raise a matter for discussion at a General Meeting. 

h. To join with other Club members in requisitioning the Executive Committee to call a Special General Meeting. 

i. To receive Club correspondence and publications

18.   Any member may resign from the Club at any time by giving notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary. 

a.   In the case of Officers of the Club and others with specific appointments, their notice will become effective on the day before the next General Meeting or sooner if the Committee confirms to the resigning member in writing that notification of resignation has been received and accepted.

b.   Resignation of ordinary members will become effective 28 days from the date of receipt or at midday the day before the next General Meeting, whichever is the sooner. 

c.   In no event will the Club refund any part of an annual subscription or other monies paid by the member.

19.   Members who wish to withdraw from the Club shall give notice in writing to the Hon. Secretary before the First day of January or be liable for their subscriptions for the current year. 

20.   The membership of any member whose conduct is no longer considered by the Committee to be consistent with the privileges of membership or the objects of the Club may, after due consultation with the member concerned, be suspended or have his/her membership withdrawn. Any member whose membership is suspended or withdrawn will forfeit all their rights and privileges of membership but without prejudice to any liabilities or obligations that they may have at the time.

21.   No Member shall play in a match or be entitled to any privileges of Membership unless his subscription has been paid.

22.   A serious disciplinary incident on the field of play is described as one which attracts a formal match disciplinary report being submitted jointly to the Club by the match umpires.  In the event of a serious disciplinary incident by a Club member occurring at a cricket match, YGCC reserves the right to follow the ECB Disciple Regulations and Guidelines (copy available upon request), but as standard the following must occur:

a.   The Match Manager is to report the incident immediately to the Chairman and to the Honorary Secretary.

b.   The Honorary Secretary is responsible for setting up and chairing a disciplinary committee of three to five members, who may meet physically or virtually and advising the Committee accordingly.

d.  This sub-committee is to consider the umpires’ report and if necessary, take evidence from other players at the match. If it considers it appropriate and warranted, this Committee may recommend:

(1) That the player be issued with a disciplinary caution. 

(2) That the player be suspended from all YG cricket for a specific period of time 


(3) That the player be suspended from the Club. If the Committee upholds the recommendation for a disciplinary caution or suspension from the Club, it is to inform the player in writing. 

(4) A player who is suspended by the Club has the right to appeal within 7 days of being notified in writing of the Club’s decision to suspend them. Any appeals should be made in writing (post or email) to the Hon. Secretary who will immediately inform the Chairman.

23.    The Club financial year shall begin on the 1st January. The Honorary Treasurer shall: 

a.   Arrange to have the accounts of the Club prepared for each financial year ending 30th December. 

b.   Present the Club’s annual accounts to the Annual General Meeting.

c.   Arrange to make available to each Member prior to the AGM simplified income and expenditure account for the relevant year.

24.   An AGM of the Club shall be held not later than the First day of May each year. If deemed appropriate, the meeting may use online or postal voting so as to encourage maximum participation by members, facilitate decision-making and not disenfranchise Members from exercising their fundamental right of voting on business to be put forward at a General Meeting. The AGM will transact the following business:

a.   To receive and, if approved, adopt the accounts.

b.   To elect the Officers of the Club and Committee for the year.

c.   To consider and, if approved, sanction any alterations to the Rules.

d.   To deal with any special matter which the Committee desires to bring before the Members and to receive any suggestions from the Members for consideration by the Committee.

25.   At any General Meeting of the Club, 10 members shall form a quorum of which a minimum number of at least 3 shall be Officers of the Club. No business may be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting proceeds to business. At a General Meeting if within 30 minutes of the appointed time a quorum is not present, the Meeting will stand adjourned to another date and time determined by the chairman.

26.   If the Chairman of the Club is unable to chair the meeting, the President (or a Past President) shall take the chair. In either event, at least two other Officers must be present.  

27.   Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) may at any time be convened by the Committee and on requisition in writing from ten Members.  In each case, fourteen days’ notice must be given, and the purpose of the meeting specified.

28.   Without prejudice to the Provisions of Rule 8(e), the Committee shall appoint a Sub-Committee (hereinafter called “The Pavilion and Ground Sub-Committee”) comprising not fewer than three Members, all of whom shall be fully elected Members of the Committee whose responsibilities shall include, but not limited to:

a.   The management of the Club’s playing and Pavilion facilities to a satisfactory standard.

b.   The employment of a Groundsman and Catering Staff.

c.   The purchase and supply of intoxicating liquor in accordance with the Club Registration Certificate and the Licensing Act 1964 or any amending legislation.

d.   The Committee may appoint any Member of the Club as an ex-officio Member of the Sub-Committee to assist it in the discharge of its obligations.


29.   The following persons (provided they shall not have been refused membership or been expelled from the Club) may be admitted to the premises of the Club in the absolute discretion of the Committee and intoxicating liquor maybe be sold to them for consumption on the premises and, for the duration of their stay, they shall be subject to the same rules and bye-laws as Members of the Club and shall have the same rights and privileges except that they shall not attend or vote at any meeting of the Club nor hold office nor serve any committee:

a.   Members and Officials of other cricket or sports clubs or Societies visiting the Club.

b.   Members and Officials and supporters of any visiting teams or Clubs taking part in a game, match competition or tournament organised at the Club.

30.   Any Member of the Club may, with permission of the Committee, hire for a fee, such part(s) of the premises of the Club as the Committee may from time to time determine, for the purpose of holding a private function provided that the Committee have notice of and accept such a booking at least ninety six hours before the function is to be held and provided also that the name(s) and address(es) of the Member(s) organising the function, and of guests, are written into the Private Function Book at least forty eight hours before the function is due to be held. The function must be limited to the Club’s permitted hours as may be amended by a Special Order of Exemption and the entire cost of the function, including the supply of intoxicating liquor, must be paid by the organising Member(s) and no guests at such a function shall be permitted to purchase intoxicating liquor.

31.   No Member, having agreed to play in a game, shall withdraw unless he/she has good reason and has arranged with the Match Manager to find a suitable replacement.

32.   Members are expected to wear the Club colours in some form when playing for the Club. Club kit can be purchased via the YGCC web shop:'s-online-store.

33.   A copy of The Rules shall be sent to each Member on his successful election to the Club.

34.   These Rules shall not be altered or amended save by a majority of two-thirds of the members physically or virtually present, or both, at a General Meeting. Any proposal for alteration or amendments shall be notified to the Honorary Secretary in writing and, if accepted, may be included in the agenda for the following General Meeting.

35.   These Rules cancel all previous Rules of the Club.



19th February 2022


(FOUNDED 1863)

Inclusion and Diversity Policy


The Yorkshire Gentlemen’s Cricket Club (YGCC) in all its activities, is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity in cricket, and to ensuring that its employees, members and all other individuals working or volunteering for YGCC, and participating in or watching YGCC’s activities are treated fairly and are able to conduct their activities free from discrimination, harassment and intimidation.

·       YGCC in all its activities will not discriminate, or in any way treat anyone less favourable on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religion or belief or sexual orientation. 

·       YGCC will not tolerate harassment, bulling, abuse or victimisation of individuals

·       YGCC will endeavour to create access and opportunities for all those individuals who wish to participate, and are lawfully eligible to participate, in its activities

·       YGCC will ensure that it complies with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its employees, members and volunteers adhere to these requirements and this policy

·       This policy is fully supported by YGCC’s Officers and Committee who are responsible for the implementation of this policy

YGCC is committed to the investigation of any claims when brought to its attention, of discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual, and reserves the right to impose such sanction as it considers appropriate and proportionate, where such is found to be the case.

·       In the event that any employee, member, volunteer, participant or spectator feels that they have suffered discrimination, harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation, they should report the matter in writing to the Chairman of the YGCC

·       Any such report should include: details of what occurred; when and where the occurrence took place; any witness details and copies of any witness statements

·       If the accused individual is a member, the Committee will regard the issue as a disciplinary issue and will follow the YGCC’s disciplinary procedure as laid down in Club Rules

·       If the accused individual is a non-employee, the Committee:

o   May decide (at its sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a hear

o   May (at its sole discretion) hold a hearing at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case

o   Will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person found to be in breach of any policy: (a) warn as to future conduct; (b) suspend from membership; (c) remove from membership; (d) exclude a non-member from the facility, either temporarily or permanently; and (e) turn down a non-member’s current and/or future membership application; and

o   Will provide both parties with written reasons for its decisions.

o   A party may appeal a decision of the Committee to the relevant County Cricket board by writing to the relevant County Cricket Board within 3 months of YGCC’s decision being notified to that party

o   If the nature of the complaint is with regards to the management committee of the YGCC the complainant may report the complaint directly to the relevant County Cricket Board.

This policy will be reviewed periodically by the YGCC in consultation with the England and Wales Cricket Board.


19th February 2022