2018 AGM and pre-season dinner

Dear Member,

We have once again received the kind permission of the Headmistress of Queen Margaret’s School to use the school for our Annual General Meeting and pre-season dinner, so please come along if you can.

We are accordingly, inviting you to the AGM to be held at Queen Margaret’s School,

Escrick at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday 11th April 2018 for the following purposes;


      1.  To confirm the Minutes of the previous AGM (please see copy attached of 2017 AGM minutes).

      2.  To receive the report and adopt the Accounts for the year ending 31st Dec 2017.

      3.  To elect the Officers and Committee for the year.

      4.  Any Other Business.


Dinner will follow at 8:00 p.m. at a cost of £15. We kindly request confirmation of attendance to the undersigned by Wed 04 Apr. Payment on the night is acceptable. 


We look forward to seeing you there.


Yours Sincerely,

A Shaw

H Glatman

Joint Secretaries

Minutes of 2017 AGM


Present: RJ Head, DRE O’Kelly, R Hinchcliffe, MH Watson, P White, P Burrans, M Neary, R Brewster, JN Bartram, CB Glassey, RAE Umbers, J Anderson, JEB Burdass, T Henry, C Thompson, Tim Blenkin, J Rossington, B Dalton, M Apparicio, D Winkle, M Neary, H Wright, C Jowett.

Apologies: These were received from 7 members.

The President, R Head, welcomed everyone to the 153rd AGM.

Item 1 – To Confirm the Minutes of the Last Meeting.

The President confirmed that members had received the 152nd AGM Minutes and requested that they be approved unless there were any observations to be noted.

Proposed: M Watson Seconded: R Hinchcliffe

Item 2 – To Receive and adopt the Accounts for 2016 as at 31 Dec 16.

The circulated Accounts had been posted out to all members by the retiring Treasurer Charles Glassey. Approval and adoption of the accounts was agreed;

Proposed: R Umbers Seconded: R Brewster


Item 3 – To Elect The President, Officers and Committee for the Year.

The Chairman, David O’Kelly, once again proposed that Richard Head be elected for a 7th year as President. He added that The Committee were grateful for his support throughout the year as well as his contribution as the Dinner Organiser which was a major income provider for the club.

Proposed: D O`Kelly Seconded: T Blenkin

The President proposed the election of the officers and committee noting the changes with Charles Thompson coming in as the Treasurer, Angus Shaw as the Secretary Membership and Harry Glatman as Secretary Cricket. He expressed thanks to those retiring who had worked tirelessly behind the scenes for many years and to all on the committee led by the Chairman for ongoing work and support. The work by P White, R Brewster, J Rossington and N Bartram had created much needed space in the pavilion and bar which was looking good.

The Sportsman`s Dinner was planned for the 9 November 2017, there were 2 good speakers and all encouraged to bring guests.

Item 4 – Any Other Business.

R Hinchcliffe wished to thank R Brewster on behalf of the club for bringing the club into the 21st Century with work on club records, data, website development, pavilion renovation and all matters pertaining to the club. Supported unanimously by all present.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 19.47 p.m.

Afternote: The Annual AGM Dinner followed, attended by 23 members.