2019 Scorebook and Sportsman Dinner 2019

Scorebook 2019

For those who are interested this seasons scorebook is now online — (available to view for registered members of the website only). The scorebook sits in the YG’s archive which holds copies of all the Club’s records. Go to About on top menu and click Club Archives. If you have not registered for the new website please take time to do so - it allows you full member access and will help us keep in touch with you.

Forgotten your login? — don’t despair or re-register. Just click on Forgot? on the member log in the pop up window and follow the on-screen instructions.

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Sportsman Dinner - 14th Nov 2019

Our President -Richard Head reports excellent numbers for this year’s dinner. It’s not too late though to still get tickets for the evening and with Phil DeFreitas as the sporting speaker another thoroughly entertaining night is assured. For more details or to make a booking please click on the Sportsman Dinner link under the Members tab of the website.

Phil “Daffy” De Freitas - ‘a great servant to English Cricket” - extract from PhillipsDeFreitas website 2019

Phil “Daffy” De Freitas - ‘a great servant to English Cricket” - extract from PhillipsDeFreitas website 2019