The ECB recently issued a Covid -19 update for Cricket Clubs and leagues. The guidance now allows for some form of social cricket in small groups, coaching and net sessions and a partial re-opening of clubs. However competitive cricket is still not permitted either within or between clubs.
The Updated guidance in more detail can found here: ECB Covid -19 Update for Cricket Club and Leagues
The ECB also issued important information for the safe return to small group sporting activity and we recommend all club members read these information sheets.
Return to Activity in a Club Setting - Guidance
Using Outdoor Cricket facilities During Lockdown in England
We will of course update our club members as soon as we have news of any resumption to club cricket in the 2020 season. Our Fixture cards have been updated to reflect the current situation.
In the meantime we want to let you know the club are working hard to ensure that we are ready should there be prospect of any play. The ground and clubhouse are being well looked after, with regular cutting of the outfield and tending to all general maintenance required.